It has been FOREVER since I updated the blog. Sorry to those of you who have checked it lately! We've been pretty busy at the Spence household. We went back to Iowa and Illinois for the last week in February and visited Grammy and Grandpa Wagner, Grandma and Grandpa Welder and Grandma and Grandpa Spence. We had a great time visiting everyone and everyone had a great time with Jack. Grandma and Grandpa Spence brought Jack a cowboy hat home from TX and he looks hilarious in it, my Grandma Marvel and Great Aunt Ellen came and had dinner with us at Dad's house, Jack went to his first basketball tourney (Aunt Caroline's) and was a trooper all day. While Luke, Jack and my parents were there, I started to fulfill my maid of honor duties for my best friend Nicole, she's getting married the end of October, so we went bridesmaid dress shopping and found really pretty dresses. It is rare that I get a day without Jack, I had fun but was ready to be home with my baby at the end of the day. Luke had a GREAT schedule last month and was home a ton of days, which is great for me and Jack, but he started back to a very busy March. We miss him but find things to do while he is gone.
Last week we had a busy week. On Tuesday, My friend Betsy brought her daughter Noura over for a playdate, it was SO FUN. Jack is 6 months old and Noura is 8 months old, but her adjusted age is 5 months. They are starting to notice one another and it's fun to see them starting to interact with one another. Wednesday, I met my new friend Nichole and we went out for lunch, which was fun, we met up with another friend of mine, Beth. Thursday Jack and I went and visited my friend Karen and her baby Courtney (1 month). I did an exercise class with Karen and then she fixed us lunch. It was great to see her and see how big Courtney is getting (I can't hardly believe that Jack was that small!). Friday, I met my friends Janice, Ellen, Kevin and Rose for lunch and then Friday night I went out with my two good friends here, Beth and Betsy. We went out for dinner and then had dessert at Beth's house, it's great to get out with them sometimes. Luke was gone until Thursday night. He got to spend some boy time with Jack and Friday, which they both enjoyed. It is so fun seeing Luke and Jack together, they are two peas in a pod!
Jack is growing and growing. He is learning how to sit up by himself and is starting to get up on his hands and knees. Right now he is just bouncing, but hopefully he'll take off pretty soon. He is starting to scoot all over and easily makes his way to his toys. He is sleeping MUCH BETTER!!! He still may come into our room in the morning, but he sleeps most of the night in his own bed. He is eating very well too. He loves his veggies and will be starting on fruit soon.
Saturday we went and bought a new dishwasher and microwave (you know that you're getting old when things like that excite you!). For as busy a week that we had last week, we don't have too much planned this week. My mom, Mike and Caroline are coming Wed-Sun. Mom and Mike have tickets to the Big 10 Tourney in Indy, Me, Jack, Caroline and Luke are going to go to the zoo, children's museum and probably find some other fun things to do. We hope everyone is doing well, I'll try to post more often!