He has started putting himself in Daisy's cage.

Another pool/clothes shot

Getting Baptized
Godmother Liz and Godfather Brent
Spence family pic (not too good)

Welder family pic (still not good) Can anyone find Paul?
Welder-Wagner Family pic (still not good)
Luke, Stephanie, Jack and Father Vince
Godparents and baby again (Jack is getting tired from all of the attention)
Great Grandma Welder

Great Grandma and Grandpa Welder and cousin Amanda
Uncle Paul and Jack at the Baptism
Welder-Wagner-Spence kids

Our happy little family
Steph, Jack and Aunt Liz
Liz and the newest love her her life
Freaked out by the Emu
How sweet!
Stephanie, Jack, Riley and Andrea at the Zoo

Godmother Liz and Godfather Brent

Spence family pic (not too good)

Welder family pic (still not good) Can anyone find Paul?

Welder-Wagner Family pic (still not good)

Luke, Stephanie, Jack and Father Vince

Godparents and baby again (Jack is getting tired from all of the attention)

Great Grandma Welder

Great Grandma and Grandpa Welder and cousin Amanda

Uncle Paul and Jack at the Baptism

Our happy little family

Steph, Jack and Aunt Liz

Hi everyone! We once again had a pretty busy week at the Spence household. Luke was home most of last week because he had training in Indy. It was so nice to have a husband with an 8-5 job. Jack and I just love having him home with us! Some sad news came our way early in the week. My great-uncle Charlie's girlfriend passed away and then he passed away a few short days later. While we're going to miss Charlie and Jeannie, we know that they are in Heaven and didn't want to live too long without one another. I always tell Luke that we should die together (when we're really, really REALLY old) you know....kinda like in "The Notebook". My favorite memory is when the Welder kids were really little, I was maybe 8 or 9, Charlie took me, Brent, Paul and my mom whale watching in Southern California. It was such a fun day and Charlie and Brent's pictures were in the newspaper talking about it. Charlie was such a great guy and we're going to miss him.
On Friday my parents, siblings and Luke's parents all got into Indy for Jack's baptism. Saturday the men went golfing and the women stayed home and fawned all over Jack. We also got the food ready for Sunday. We went out for a really good dinner, then that night my parents, Luke's parents, Brent, Krisite, Luke and I went to Howl at the Moon, a local piano bar. We had a TON of fun, but I do think that it was a learning experience for the Spences, haha. The Baptism was on Sunday. It went really well. Jack was good during church and during the Baptism. He looked at Father Vince really strangely when he was chrisened with the oil and when the water was poured on his head, but he was a little trooper. My siblings, Brent and Liz were his Godparents, Luke and I are so thankful to have such wonderful family support for Jack. My friend Janice came to the Baptism, which was so nice and fun for her to come. Afterwards, we had a big party at my house. Our parents and siblings were there, along with a Spence family friend Alan, Luke's aunt, uncle and cousins and a BUNCH of my friends. Luke, Jack and I are so lucky to have so many people here in Indianapolis that are good friends to us and love Jack. He LOVES all of his "aunties"!
The food was good at the party and the cake was excellent. The weather didn't cooperate as well though, there was some sun and some rain. We all packed into the house and although it was a little crowded, I think that everyone had fun.
My sister Liz decided to stay here in Indy for the week which I am so excited about. She is 17 and we don't spend tons of time togeter when I am in Nevada. We have had some good bonding time with her here. She is heading back sometime this weekend or next week. She is such a good aunt to Jack and is fun for me to hang out with. We just love her!
Yesterday, Luke and his friend Dustin finished putting the flooring in our bedroom. Our house is now offically carpet free! We love the hardwood floors, easier to clean and I think that it has brightened up the house. Thanks Dustin and Nichole for the help!!
Last night my Grandma and Grandpa Welder and cousin Amanda stopped in for a short visit on their way back to Iowa. Grandma and Grandpa hadent seen Jack since October, so they thought that he was HUGE. Jack was loving to them and cuddled with Grandma for awhile. It was wonderful seeing them and we hope that we'll see them again soon.
Today, Liz, Jack and I went to the zoo with my friend Andrea and her baby girl Riley. We had such a good time. Riley is 2 1/2 months old and slept the whole time, but it was some good adult conversation for me and Andrea. Andrea will be heading back to work soon, so we tried to get an adventure for Jack and Riley taken care of. The weather was perfect and we had a good time.
As you can see, we've had a great week here at the Spence house. We love seeing our family and friends and can't wait to see everyone again soon.