Jack and Grandma and Grandpa Welder

Jack cuddling with Grammy Wags

Who me??

They love each other. Noura always smiles, Jack never does, but they are equally cute.

Mommy and Jack swimming

New floor in Jack's room

New floor in living room/hallway

Jack's room again

Office/guest room (don't mind the mess, we virtually had to move out of our house and back in again)

Jack walks with his car

Look at those blue eyes
Getting ready for the zoo (my baby looks so grown up!)
Eating ice cream!! YUM!
Jack LOVES swimming!

Getting ready for the zoo (my baby looks so grown up!)

Eating ice cream!! YUM!

Hi everyone. I know, I know, I'm a HORRIBLE blogger! We have had a fairly busy 2 1/2 weeks, I'll try to recap for everyone. Our 3rd anniversary was May 27. Dennis and Sandy came to Indy and babysat Jack for the night while Luke and I went to the Melting Pot, an AMAZING fondue place and stayed at the Hilton on the north side. I had some anxiety about being gone, but it all turned out great. Dennis, Sandy and Jack had fun together and Luke and I had a WONDERFUL anniversary. Dennis and Sandy then stayed until Saturday and Dennis and Luke (with very minor help from me and Sandy) put new wood floors in our house (living room, hall, office and Jack's). The floors look great and we love them! It was hard work, but well worth it. While the men worked, Sandy and I took care of Jack, went shopping and to the zoo. I think that Sandy loved having grandma time with Jack and it was nice to have some adult conversation for a few days.
I also found out that week that I was accepted into the MSW program at IUPUI (Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis)! I am just going to go part time T/R 3-5:40 and maybe start full time next year. So, if anyone knows anyone who can babysit for me on those days, let me know, we're looking for some reliable childcare for at least first semester. My good friend Betsy (Noura's mom) and her husband are going to start a radio station in Burundi, Africa from Aug-Jan. After she gets back, I am going to solicite her to babysit for me. But seriously, if anyone knows anyone, let me know! I had orientation last Friday and it was great, I am SO EXCITED!!!
Betsy and Noura also came over last week. The kids are so cute together, especially now that they are getting older and noticing one another. We always have a great time hanging out, I am going to MISS THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!! But I'm excited for their family's new adventure.
Jack and I went to Iowa over the past weekend. We stayed overnight at the Spence's on Friday, my dad's on Saturday and my mom's from Sun-Tues. We had a really good time. Jack loves all of his grandparents and is usually very good for them. His grandparents of course think the world of him and spoil him, but he's worth it.
Liz and Caroline had a dance recital on Sunday and they were AMAZING! Caroline does gymnastics and she wows me every time. She can do all these great moves, I can't even do a cartwheel....seriously. Liz also did a great job in her tap,ballet and jazz numbers. I also went to Caroline's softball game and she did a great job. Mom and Mike babysat on Saturday and had fun taking Jack all over the place, he has been to so many games that I'm sure he is already a star athelete (unfortunately, he is MY CHILD, so we'll see how it turns out!)
I met up with my girlfriends Amy, Amy and Jess to go for lunch and shopping for bridesmaids dresses, it was fun to see them and I always enjoy their company. I was also able to meet up with Amy and Amy again on Tuesday and we had some good "girl time".
The drives were long but Jack did great, especially on the way home, THANK GOD! He is starting to realize that 9+ hours in a car is a little long, but he is a trooper.
Jack is getting bigger and bigger. Still no teeth, I'm hoping it will be Luke's father's day present. He is crawling like crazy and cruising around things, but not quite walking. He loves food and is just starting to notice when people are eating and tries to get a bite/sip. While I was home, I walked into the TV room at my mom's house and the 2 best baby helpers (Caroline and Liz) were in there, giving my child a bottle. Jack was going to town on it, I looked to see what they were giving him and it was BLUE GATORADE! Jack loved it, I just laughed, I guess 10 and 17 year old aunts will do ANYTHING to get the love of their 9 month old nephew....haha. JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN GIRLS!!
Jack and I got home yesterday and were excited to see Luke. We went to the zoo today and just had some needed family time. Jack's baptism is next Sunday, the 22nd. All are welcome, just e-mail or write a comment if you want details.
Oh yeah....Indiana was also flooded last week, our neighborhood was flooded, but our house survived. I guess there are some benefits to not having a basement around here! Everything is hot and dry now, no worries!
Stephanie, Luke and Jack
PS Grandma and Grandpa Spence, Liz, Caroline and Paul, apparentally we were horrible about taking pictures when we saw you, so if you e-mail us some, you can make the blog next time! We love you!
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