I haven't posted in nearly a month, SORRY about that everyone, we've been really busy at the Spence household. The month of October was great. I finished up my first graduate class (acutlly, I still have to write a paper about maternal and child health, if anyone has any good info, let me know). Mommy and Me continues to go wonderfully and Jack and I love our stoller exercise class. We're both making many new friends, which I love. We visited a couple pumpkin patches and got some pumpkins. I downloades about 150 photos a couple weeks ago and unfortunately, they didn't register on my computer and I didn't realize it until I had already deleted them, so most of our October pictures are gone. Luke was on reserve the month of October and ended up working about 7 days, so he was home a lot. Jack and I both enjoyed having him home. The end of October, we headed back to Iowa. Luke and I dropped Jack off at my mom's house and then Luke and I headed to Kansas City for 4 days to help my best friend, Nicole, get married. I was her maid of honor and had a great time. The wedding prep was fun, the wedding was beautiful, being away from jack was hard. It was the first time that I had been away from him for any considerable length of time, he had fun with his grammy, grandpa and aunts, but mommy missed him. They joined us in KC on Sat for the wedding and we flew home Sunday.
We had a playdate with my new friend Kate and her son Roman, who is 10 days older than Jack. I am so glad to be making some new friends who live close to me. Jack was a "Jack" o'lantern for halloween. The cutest Jack o'lantern if you ask me. He dressed up in his costume for mommy and me, story time and halloween night. We went trick or treating at our friends Dustin and Nicole's apartment and hung out with them for a little while. Luke left Saturday and Jack and I met up with Beth for pizza and then went to a halloween party hosted by my girlfriends Lana, Tanya and Jen. The party was fun and everyone was cute. I went as a pilot....origional, right? Luke got home Sunday and we had a nice day. My new class gives me a lot of homework, I so I feel like I am reading a lot and writing papers a lot, but I like it overall.
Today the weather was wonderful, we played outside and had a great time. We got down our Christmas lights to start our plan for our display this year. Luke is really into decorating our house for Christmas, so we're getting ready!!!
We head back to Iowa Thursday for my friend Jessica's wedding, we're excited about seeing everyone again. It will be a short trip, but fun!
Luke and Jack both have coughs and colds, hopefully they clear up soon.
We miss everyone and hope to see/talk to you all soon.
Lots of love!!
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