Sorry that I haven't written in awhile. We've had a busy week. Last Tuesday was my 25th birthday (My GOLDEN Birthday, I turned 25 on the 25th), it was GREAT. Luke and Jack got me a Nintendo DS - have you ever played it? It's fun, I got the "Brain Game", I like it alot. That night my friend Beth babysat Jack so Luke and I could go out to dinner. We went to Weber Grill, it was really good and fun. It's nice to get out sometimes without the baby. The rest of the week was spent with Luke working, Jack and I stopped by my old office and I saw my friends for awhile. My friend Andrea is due to have a baby any day now, so Jack and I went to her baby shower. It was fun. Luke's parents came to visit on Saturday and my friends threw me a suprise birthday party on Saturday night. Luke and Jack stayed home and hung out with Dennis and Sandy and I went to see my friends. 6 of my friends came and we had dinner and hung out and talked. It was really fun, THANKS BETH AND BETSY!!! I have SUCH GOOD friends here, I love them!! Luke and Jack had fun with Dennis and Sandy, Sunday we went to church, lunch and hung out for the rest of the day. Jack loves having his grandparents visit. We've had quite a few visitors lately and we are so glad that Jack is able to see most of his family pretty regularly.
Jack is growing, Growing, GROWING!! He still isn't crawling, but he gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth all of the time. He is just starting to be able to stand up while holding onto things, which is fun to see. He even tried to pull himself up, and was successful (with my help). Luke and I are so proud of him, he is such a good little boy. He is teething, which is a trial for both him and us, but we are making it though. Hopefully his teeth will pop through sometime soon. He is eating like a horse and weighs 16 1/2 lbs now and is about 27 1/2 inches tall. He loves food and really loves Banana puffs (like cheerios) and Zwieback Toast (Biter Biscuts). He just gnaws on them until they are complete mush.
2008 has turned into the "Year of the Wedding". Two of my good friends recently got engaged and will be getting married in October and November. I'm in both weddings, which will be fun!
1 comment:
yay for birthdays! Glad you had fun at your party...
question...on lukes cake...did he put "birtday" without the "h" on purpose?:)
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