I was nervous about needing everything to be perfect
I was getting ready with Liz, Amy, Nicole, Jess and Caroline
I was imagining my life as a married woman
I was being given away to Luke from my dad
I was saying my vows to Luke
I was watching my Unity Candle catch on fire.....really.....it actually caught on FIRE...Dan blew it out and Brent re-lit it!
I became Mrs. Spence
I was kissing my husband for the first time
I was partying with my husband and family and friends
I was trying to figure out what I was going to do when I moved to INDIANA
I kissed my husband whom I love more than ever
I am playing with my little boy
I am cleaning my great house and getting ready to remodel it
I have made wonderful new friends and still dearly love my old friends
I have a whole new career that is challenging and fulfilling
I am going on a great date tonight for the first time in months
I actually love Indiana.....but I miss Iowa
I am really starting to figure out this whole wife/mother thing
I love the life that Luke and I have created together and can't wait to see what the next 50 years bring...

Today is my and Lukes 3rd anniversary! We can't believe that 3 years have flown by so quickly, we were sitting in bed last night talking about the last 3 years....where we thought we would be versus where we are. Overall our life is pretty on track (thus far) except for our wonderful little SUPRISE Jack David.....but, we have easily adjusted into happy family mode versus happy couple mode.
I know that I haven't written much lately...I'm a HORRIBLE BLOGGER....I think about posting, but unfortunately, there is never any really exciting things going on in the Spence household. Since I last posted Jack and I have had a few playdates which are always fun. We have run millions of errands. Luke has been gone an awful lot, luckly he is home for the next 5 1/2 days!!!! We had a ROCK BAND party with the girls at Lana's house, which was SO FUN!! Jack has a little rocker outfit with guitars and skulls on it....he is SO COOL! He also got to play with his girlfriend Mattea, they were pretty good together.
Our Memorial Day was lazy. Jack and I went on a walk with Daisy and played outside a lot. We have a sun and water baby. He LOVES being outside.
Jack is starting to walk behind his push toy, he is getting so grown up. He had a doctor's appt last Monday, he is 17 lbs (5th percentile) and 28 inches (50th percentile). We're trying to fatten him up, but he is just little. He is starting to realize what food is though, and will crawl after you if you're eating something that he may want. He is also starting to get table food, which he loves. No teeth yet, however I do see 2 little white dots on his bottom gums...maybe this week. He is talking a lot and loves reading books and dancing..
Today the Spences are coming and babysitting Jack overnight so Luke and I can get away. It'll be fun, but I am already having some anxiety about it. I know Sandy and Dennis will take good care of my baby, but I'll miss him!
They are also staying for the week and helping use rip out our carpet and put new laminate wood flooring in, I am SUPER EXCITED about that. I'll be a pain while they are working, hopefully worth it in the long run!
Remember, Jack's Baptism is June 22 and 12:15....all are welcome, e-mail me if you need details. We're cooking out afterwards at my house at 1:30. Hope you can come!