We have had a fun and busy week at the Spence household. The other day Luke and I took Jack to the park for his first REAL time. He played on the slide and loved the swings. Unfortunately, we forgot our cameras, but we took some with the cell phone, we'll see if we can figure out how to download them and put the up here. They are so cute. Jack was so good. The weather has been fairly nice, in the 60's, so we have been playing outside alot. Jack is finally CRAWLING!!!! He has been "army crawling" for almost the past month, but he is now primarily crawling on his hands and knees. We are so proud of him and excited. However, he has discovered the dog bowl and LOVES playing in the water. If I take my eyes off of him for 1 minute, he is heading into the kitchen to get into the bowl. I have been having to baby proof EVERYTHING, which is harder than I thought. The minute that I think that everything is done and "safe", he finds something else. Just wait until he is walking!
Luke, Jack and I met friends for dinner one night. We hadn't seen them in awhile, so it was nice to see them and visit. Jack was good, even though it was past his bedtime. Jack and I met up with Betsy and Noura for lunch the other day, it was fun seeing them. We haven't been able to hang out as much lately, so it was nice to have some girl time. Jack and I also met my friend Jessi for lunch on Friday, which was great. I try to get out and about, otherwise we get SO BORED staying home. Luke has been gone for the past 4 days and gets home tonight, which we're excited about. It will be nice to have someone to distract Jack so I can get things done. Overall, he is still a very good boy. He STILL doesn't have any teeth. I keep thinking that they should be coming, but don't. He's eating everything though, and getting bigger.
We FINALLY got his baptism schedule, it is June 22 at 12:30 pm. All are welcome and we hope some are able to come. Afterwards we'll have a party at our house, it'll be TONS of fun! I'll be sending out invites sometime soon.
Here are a few pictures of our little man. He's getting bigger, but the outfit that I have him in is since 0-3 months......he's 8 months, just so you know.....I think that the sizing is off, because it still fits and looks cute.....oh the life of tall and skinny babies....
JD is getting bigger by the minute.
Looking forward to seeing all of you again.
I absolutely love jack-jack's squishy face!!!! Too cute!
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