Modeling at White River Gardens

Still modeling

We have had a pretty busy week and a half since I last wrote. First we took a trip to the Quad Cities to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Spence. Jack was great driving to and from, so Luke and I were relieved. No big problems. We had a great time visiting with Dennis and Sandy. Jack loves his grandma and grandpa. We had a really fun time on Wednesday night and met Luke's 2 sets of aunts and uncles, plus his cousin, wife and son. And we went to Happy Joe's...which was GREAT! For some reason, they don't have Taco Pizza in Indiana.....it's enough to drive a person crazy. Haha... We were there for 2 days and then came home. Luke has been working a lot this past week, but Jack and I love his company when he is home.
We went to the zoo last week, which is really nice. We bought a zoo pass and have been using it quite a bit. It is the perfect size for a nice walk. We also visited White River Gardens and took some pictures of Jack there. Our little boy is too nosy and wouldn't look at the camera, but we got a few good shots. Jack and I have also been meeting Betsy and Noura a few times to hang out or go on walks. Last weekend Luke, Jack and I met Betsy, Andrew and Noura for lunch and then the guys watched some of the Cubs game. It was really fun and we'll probably do it again sometime.
My Mothers Day was wonderful. Actually, we went out for dinner the Friday before Mother's Day because Luke had to work on Sunday. On the way to the restaurant we got into a 3 car crash. We stopped in the Trailblazer, the 2 cars behind us didn't. Thankfully everyone was OK, but the Trailblazer has $1200 worth of damage. The other car was a Cavalier and went under our bumper. Jack didn't even notice that we were in an accident, he was playing and talking in the back seat. Hopefully we'll get the car fixed soon.
On my first Mother's Day, Luke and Jack both got me nice cards and a beautiful necklace. It is a silver heart with diamonds with a mother holding her child inside of it. I LOVE IT!! Jack was a good boy for me on Mother's Day and we had a relaxing day at home.
Jack is growing faster and faster! He is full fledged crawling now and is FAST. I can hardly keep up with him....I couldn't imagine having twins, or more! He is interested in EVERYTHING. Our house is pretty well baby proofed, but it seems like he finds new ways to get into mischief everyday. He has the greatest giggle and loves giving and getting kisses. He easily pulls himself up in his crib (and on everything). He has had both a black eye and fat lip already...apparently he is graceful like his mother. He is daring and if he falls gets back up and tries again. I think that he will be walking soon, he cruises around objects like a master. He has this adorable car that Grandma and Grandpa Welder got him, he easily gets on it and drives around the house. He can't quite get it to turn yet though, so he gets stuck sometimes. He love the animals and laughs at them so hard. He loves the water and goes straight for the dog's water bowl if he has a chance. Luke and I love being his parents and are so grateful for him. He has been starting to wake up EARLY, 5 or 6, which doesn't' work for this lady who likes to sleep in, but we're working on it.
Still no teeth!! Betsy and I always joke if our kids are acting out of character or grumpy that "they must been teething", however my kid is almost 9 mos and hers is 10 mos (7 adjusted) and are still gumming it up. NO SIGNS of teeth anywhere....but they must come eventually...right?
Last night was BUNCO night with my girlfriends. I LOVE BUNCO!!! Probably because I win almost every time we play....seriously, i've won money at every game for the past 5 games or something crazy. I love bunco night because I get to see my friends who I barely see since I quit working. It was at my friend Andrea's house last night. She just had a baby, Riley Nicole, who is a DOLL!! Jack was flirting with her, but I reminded him that he has a few other girlfriends too....he LOVES his girlfriends!
I'll try to update again soon...I'm still not very good at this blogging thing. Also, write comments if you visit, I don't even know if anyone besides Luke and I look at it.
Also, Jack is getting baptized on Sunday June 22 at 12:30. Invitations will be coming out shortly, but I just want everyone to have the heads up. You don't have to come, but all are welcome. The more the merrier. We will have a party (probaly grill) after the ceremony!
Love, Stephanie, Luke and Jack
Jack, you are so cute, but my mommy didnt let me look at the pictures with your tooshy. I cant wait to play again soon
Love, Noura
ps. Riley cannot be your girlfriend, you can only have one!
Hey Steph! I love seeing what you, Jack and Luke are up too. Love those pictures of Jack too!
Teresa, Brad, & Josh
Grandma & grandpa Spence really enjoyed the visit and being able to get together with family. Hard to believe that Jack is almost 9 months old and that you are have been married for nearly 3 years. Glad that all are OK from your accident. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Jack's baptism and celebrating. This blog is a great way to keep up with your happingings.
Love, Grandpa & Grandpa Spence
Hey there my little Jack! I guess mommy and daddy too. I love those little cheeks. Make sure to save some space in your heart for your some day girlfriend that your aunt Nicole will have. Ha ha just kidding. Make sure to remind mommy that I will be in Nevada during Memorial Day and that you haven't seen me since Christmas. Be good to mommy and make sure to wake her up at 5:00 a.m.
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