
Bath fun!

Such a cutie!

Going for our walk

Ladies Man.......Courtney Alexander, Jack, Riley Kavanaugh
Not that into eachother
Courtney is almost 6 months old, she is such a big girl!

Sweet Courtney
Sorry Jack, she's not that into you (poor guy, I still think that you're cute)

Not that into eachother

Courtney is almost 6 months old, she is such a big girl!

Sweet Courtney

Sorry Jack, she's not that into you (poor guy, I still think that you're cute)

So, I am TRYING to get better at this blog thing! We have had a pretty good week. Luke was home for several days, which we LOVE! We just hung around the house, went on a couple walks, to the farmers market and the zoo. We LOVED the farmer's market. It was in downtown Indy, we got some delicious green beans, corn and potatoes. I think that i'll get some blueberries next time, they looked YUMMY! I love using fresh veggies and they were really reasonably priced. After the farmers market, we went to the zoo for a little while. It was HOT but was really nice to walk around a bit. We watched the elephant show and Luke and I even got to pet the elephant, pretty cool! Thursday night I went to dinner and mini golfing with my friends Beth and Betsy. We had a good time. I told the girls that I played golf in HS, however they were quick to pick up that my short game wasn't my best (Betsy won, Beth and I tied). Luke stayed home with Jack and had some man time, however, I think that Jack slept through most of it.
Friday Luke left and Jack and I once again met up with Beth, Betsy and Noura and went shopping at the outlet mall. We had a good time and Betsy got Noura a few more things for their Africa trip. I swear, Noura Michelle is going to be the best dressed kid in Burundi, Africa. She got some of THE CUTEST dresses, I swear, my next kid better be a girl. Don't get me wrong, I adore my son, but it is a commonly known fact that girl clothes are 1000 times cuter than boy clothes. I am MEANT to be the mom of a girl........ (or a cross dressing boy....but that's another post) haha!
Saturday my friend Nichole came over and helped me with Jack (THANKS NICHOLE!!) while I got ready for "Bunco Night at the Spence's". My friends Karen, Andrea, Janice, Jessi and Missy came over and we had tacos and some good conversation. My friends and I usually try to get together once a month for a ladies night, most of our husbands have husband's with strange hours at their jobs, pilot, cop, air traffic controller, so it is also often a playdate for our kids. Jack's friends Riley and Courtney came over. They had a pretty good time together and were all pretty well behaved. I had a GREAT TIME!
Today Jack and I went for a long walk with Daisy, which was fun, the weather was perfect. Then we played in the backyard for a little while. I am trying to teach him how to play ball, he is slowly getting the hang of it. He is starting to bite a little bit, so I am trying to squash that bad habit already!
Jack and I are flying to Iowa this Thursday and are really excited to see my Grandma and Grandpa Kaiser and the whole Carey side for a family reunion this weekend. It'll be fun to reconnect with everyone. Hopefully the flights go well and Jack is good! Luke is joining us on Friday.
Schools starts for me on August 21st, so I am getting nervous and ready all at the same time. I still don't have childcare set up for Tuesday's and Thursday's from 3-6 so if any of my Indiana friends know of anyone, let me know. I'll only need childcare on days that Luke is working, and we're trying to get it so he has those days off. Seriously, let me know if you know anyone!
Well, off to get some reading done (I already have a paper due on the first day of class, geez, they really get you started quickly in grad school!).
Would the answer be Oliver???? Now I'm singing to myself...
Would you lace my shoe? Anything.
Paint your face bright blue? Anything.
I'd do anything, yes anything for you!
ohhh i thought id answer first!! I was IN that musical! Yay for chorus girl!
cute pics of jack, note he isnt gazing into their eyes or holding their hands!way to save yourself for Noura!
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