Posing again

Sleepy boy out for a walk
We were on a trail, and this seriously was the end, we thought it was funny. The trail just stopped, no rail or anything.

We were on a trail, and this seriously was the end, we thought it was funny. The trail just stopped, no rail or anything.


See my TEETH!!!

See my TEETH!!!

Ryan took some of these pictures at the 4th of July party at the Jungbauer's.
Jack and his "auntie" Beth.
A file photo of Jack and Noura, they are so sweet!
Noura eating her cake, we love her so much!
Betsy, Andrew and Noura
Jack and his "auntie" Beth.
A file photo of Jack and Noura, they are so sweet!
Noura eating her cake, we love her so much!
Betsy, Andrew and Noura
So, once again, I let blogging slip away from me and here I am two weeks later, finally posting. Oh well, nothing overly exciting has been going on in the Spence household. My sister Liz stayed with us for a week, which was really fun. It was nice to get some quality "sister time" in, she is 17 and usually MIA when I am back visiting in Iowa. We hung out a lot, went on a couple walks, shopping, the zoo and out to eat. She is a great auntie for Jack and was SO HELPFUL! We had a really great time, I hope that she did too!
After Liz left last Monday, Luke went on a trip as well, so it was back to normal life with just me and Jack. On Tuesday, we stopped at the Healthy Family office and went to lunch with a lot of my friends. It was my friend Beth's last day of work so they had a going away party for her and I was able to show up and see everyone. My friend Laura also showed up with her son Tyler. Tyler is such a cutie! He is 4 months older that Jack, but he is almost twice the size of my little guy. It was so funny looking at them sitting next to each other, I WISH that I would have gotten a picture. Oh well, maybe next time.
Thursday night was fun too. Beth invited me and Jack to a game night at her friend/neighbor's house. I met 5 of Beth's friends, we had a good time, it was good conversation and fun games. I really enjoyed myself and always like meeting new people.
Friday, my friend Tanya's (Mattea's mom) parents had a BIG 4Th of July party at their beautiful house. I was able to spend time with Jack, Beth, Jen and her husband Ryan and daughter Olivia, Lana and her hubby Dave and Hope and her two boys. The food was great and the company we even better. The weather was warm but not too hot, thankfully. Jack loves all of his "aunties" and they are so good to him, I am so thankful for my friends.
Luke got home on Friday night and a group of us went down to the canal to watch the fireworks. We ate sandwiches and had snacks. Jack slept for awhile and watched the fireworks calmly from my lap. It was a really good time.
Saturday Luke was home for the day and we just had some family time, which was wonderful. Jack and I love days that Luke is home.
Sunday was Jack's best friend's birthday party. Noura will be 1 on the 11th. She is our little miracle baby. Betsy gave birth to her at 25 weeks gestation. She was in the hospital for 89 days, but has really thrived. We are so proud of her (and her mom and dad). She was dedicated Sunday morning. Jack and I had a great time visiting her church and meeting all of her friends and family (and Betsy and Andrew's friends and family). Her birthday party was a Veggie Tales party and it was SO CUTE! Noura LOVED her cake and devoured it, she is such a sweetie. I forgot to get pictures of the two together, but hopefully we'll get some updates pictures of them soon. The Timbies are going to be leaving for Africa in a few weeks, we are going to miss our good friends SO MUCH, but are excited (and a little nervous) for their adventure and continue to pray for them, as I hope you will too!
Luke got home today and we went walking on a trail and then played at a park. Jack is such a wonderful little boy and we are so thankful for him!
OH YEAH.....I almost forgot....HE FINALLY GOT 2 TEETH IN!!!!! They finally popped through a couple of days ago, he looks so cute with his two little white teeth. He is growing faster and faster, he'll be 1 next month, man how time flies!
Well, off to feed my child and get him ready for bed. I'll try to update again soon, but we all know that the likelihood of this is VERY SMALL!!
All of our love to everyone!
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