Going on a walk

Ewww...I hate carrots!
MMMMM..Sweet potatoes
Welcome to the thoughts I am thinking, the memories I am making, the lessons I am learning, and the humor created along the way! A blog to let everyone watch Jack grow up.
Poor Daisy, but she takes it like a pro and loves the baby!
Just Chillin
Today Jack and I had a busy day. First we met up with my good friend Beth for lunch, which was really fun, then we went to visit our friends Betsy and Noura for a play date. Betsy is a good friend of mine here in Indy, she stays home too, so we LOVE chances to get together. Her baby was born very prematurely (25 weeks gestation), so sometimes it's hard to get together because if either Jack or I have the slightest bit of a cold, we can't be around Noura. Luckily we are both healthy and had a great time today. Here are a few pictures of Jack and Noura. Noura is technically 6 1/2 months, but since she was born 3 months early, she is more like a 3 1/2 month old. She is growing big and I think that she out weighs Jack, but he is taller.