August 24, 2008 5:28 am, 1 year later

Happy birthday baby boy!! Your daddy and I love you so much and can't believe how much you have grown over the past 12 months. You have blessed us every day since the second your were born, (5:28am). We are happier now than ever. You are such a delightful, caring, smart, handsome little guy. We can't imagine our lives without you in it. You came into our lives like a flash, unexpected but beautiful. You were pretty perfect from them moment we knew about you (except for the 6 months or morning sickness (it was worth it), but you made up for it with the 5 hour labor, only 2 1/2 of it at the hospital (thanks again for making it easy on me)). I remember the second your were born, your daddy was so excited and I couldn't believe it. You actually were a very cute newborn. I know, all moms say that about their baby, but seriously, your face wasn't strangely smushed and you didn't have much of a cone head, you were just a perfect little 7.2 lb 21 in long baby boy. Everyone fell in love with you. We love you more than anything!
Mom and Dad
1 comment:
Awww...Happy belated birthday Jack! What a handsome little man you have there Stephanie!
I LOVE Angie Smith and her family. What a wonderful strong Christian woman! That's great that you read her blog also.
Thanks for visiting our site. You guys seem like you are doing great. That's wonderful! It was good hearing from you. Keep in touch!
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